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Nationalist Movement Party Mersin MP, Dr. Levent Uysal, addressed the Turkish Grand National Assembly, speaking on the refugee issue, which is a matter of great concern for Mersin. Uysal stated, “My party’s stance on refugees and migration aligns with that of my nation.”

Taking the floor during the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM), Dr. Levent Uysal emphasized that the Nationalist Movement Party is ready to facilitate the return of the approximately 5 million refugees in Türkiye and the 300,000 residing in Mersin back to their countries. He noted that the people of Mersin do not feel safe, saying:

“The refugee issue is a highly significant problem that directly affects Mersin, the province I represent, and requires urgent resolution. According to the Directorate General of Migration Management, there are approximately 5 million refugees in our country—more than the population of some European countries. The noble Turkish nation has never turned a blind eye to those in need or distress. Prioritizing humanity, we have extended our hands to the oppressed at every opportunity, welcoming those seeking refuge in our country without othering them, and living together in harmony. In Mersin, there are nearly 300,000 refugees, meaning one out of every seven people is a refugee. The people of Mersin are sociologically and economically uneasy. They do not feel safe. As our party leader, Mr. Devlet Bahçeli, has stated, the voluntary, safe, and honorable return of refugees should be ensured as soon as possible, irregular migration must be prevented, and the readmission agreement should be terminated. These words of our wise leader are of great importance for the peace and prosperity of our homeland. My party’s stance on refugees and migration is the same as that of my nation.”

Highlighting that the problems caused by migration are international in scope, Uysal made the following remarks:

“No country can solve the problems brought about by migration on its own. This is an international issue, but Türkiye, as always, is facing it alone. For this reason, we must resolve the refugee issue with a shared conscience and with the help of experts. Six years ago, the Nationalist Movement Party established a commission and prepared a comprehensive report. We are ready. Those who have left their language, traditions, and relatives behind to live under difficult conditions in our country will certainly want to return to their homelands, provided we encourage them and establish the necessary infrastructure. We must organize the return of refugees to their countries in the most efficient and swift manner, in collaboration with international solution partners. Because our noble nation has fulfilled its duty of hospitality to the highest standard.”